Invitation to Bid on Road Reclamation and Paving
The Town of New Ashford, acting through the Select Board, will accept sealed bids, by mail or hand delivered by Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at 5:00PM at the New Ashford Town Hall, 188 Mallery Road, New Ashford, MA, 01237, when they will be publicly opened. Bids submitted after that time will not be accepted. Envelopes must be clearly labelled “Paving Bid”. The sealed bids for full depth reclamation with calcium, fine grading, repaving with 1 ½” binder, 1 ½” top with tack coat, will use DOT approved hot mix asphalt on Beech Hill Road from Mallery Road north to the end of black-top, approximately 4,681 feet. All material and workmanship are to meet the latest state requirements.